
Can Dental Implant Failure Be Fixed? Exploring Your Options

Dental implants in Orange Park, FL, have an impressive success rate of approximately 95% to 98%, which means the failure rate is around 2% to 5%. Like any other procedure, there is a risk of failure. If you are experiencing issues with your dental implants, you may wonder if the problem can be fixed. The good news is that various options are available to address and correct dental implant failure.

dentist showing patient a model of Dental Implants Orange Park FL

Understanding Dental Implant Failure

Causes of Dental Implant Failure

Several factors can contribute to dental implant failure. Common causes include poor bone integration, infection at the implant site, insufficient bone density, and improper implant placement.

Furthermore, lifestyle factors such as smoking and poor oral hygiene can increase the risk of implant complications. Identifying the root cause is essential for determining the appropriate corrective measures.

Early Detection and Symptoms

Early detection of dental implant failure is crucial for successful treatment. Symptoms to watch for include persistent pain, swelling, discomfort around the implant site, and loosening or movement of the implant.

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to consult your dentist immediately. Prompt action can prevent further complications and improve the chances of a successful resolution.

Treatment Options

Several treatment options are available to address dental implant failure. The appropriate approach will depend on the specific cause of the failure and the condition of the surrounding bone and tissues.

  • Implant Removal and Replacement: In some cases, the failed implant may need to be removed and replaced. This process involves extracting the implant, allowing the area to heal, and placing a new implant.
  • Bone Grafting: If insufficient bone density is the cause of failure, a bone grafting procedure may be necessary. This involves adding bone material to the implant site to create a solid foundation for a new implant.
  • Antibiotic Treatment: If an infection is present, antibiotics may be prescribed to eliminate the infection and promote healing. The implant can sometimes be salvaged after the infection is treated.

Dental Implants Orange Park FL

Do You Have More Questions About Dental Implants in Orange Park, FL?

While dental implant failure can be concerning, it is important to know that solutions are available. Understanding the causes, detecting early symptoms, and seeking prompt treatment are key steps to fixing the problem.

At Fleming Island Dental Care, our experienced team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and effective solutions for dental implant issues. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and explore your options for restoring your smile!

to Request An appointment, call (904) 747-1250